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COVID-19 Readiness at Curtis Engine

To our valued customers and partners:

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve, Curtis Engine is aggressively monitoring the situation and will continue to manage its response under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the local public health authorities.

We know that our customers, who depend on us for power generation in often mission-critical applications, need us more than ever in uncertain times like these. We stand ready to help.

There are active cases of COVID-19 in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the District of Columbia—areas in which we operate. Our top priority is the safety and health of our employees, customers, and business partners. Although there has been no direct impact to our business at this time, we have taken steps to have a business continuity plan in place. We are ready to implement additional steps if further action is required.

Minimizing the impact on our operational services and our supply chain

We intend to continue to provide an exceptional level of service, while dealing with unprecedented challenges during this COVID-19 crisis. We want you to know that we are continuing to work to keep your projects on schedule and provide the services that you depend on. We are following the guidance of government and health authorities and prioritizing our work to protect and meet the needs of our employees and our government, healthcare, and mission-critical customers.

With that objective, here are highlights of some actions that we are taking, adhering to the CDC's recommendations, in order to provide protection while continuing to operate our business:

Operational Plans and Modifications

  • We continually monitor the rapidly-evolving situation, and have contingency plans for widespread isolation. 
  • We will prioritize emergency services over preventative maintenance services during this state of emergency. 
  • We are also working closely with our suppliers, logistics, and service providers to understand and alleviate any issues that could potentially impact our supply chain.
  • We are working remotely and have limited visitors and staff from being in our facilities to encourage social distancing.
  • Our sales and administrative staff have been working remotely using our cloud-based technology and phone systems and continue to serve our customers and business partners and support our technicians in the field.
  • Our field service technicians already work remotely in our normal course of business and continue to have access to our facility and inventory. We have taken precautions to increase employee/workplace hygiene and safety.
  • We have stocked additional parts and supplies to help alleviate any supply disruptions.
  • Our technicians are minimizing face-to-face interactions, and will communicate with our customers regarding any site-specific restrictions or precautions.

Health and Safety

  • Our employees are instructed to practice frequent hand washing and they sanitize frequently-touched surfaces in the workplace. Sanitation guidelines and extra supplies are provided throughout our facilities. 
  • Travel and in-person meetings are limited. Our staff has been educated on hygiene and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 
  • Our employees have been directed to notify us of any personal or household illnesses. We have flexible paid-time-off policies and are actively encouraging employees to work from home or self-isolate whenever possible.

Curtis Engine will continue to monitor COVID-19 information and will adjust our plans accordingly. Be assured that we will continue to meet customer needs while focusing on the well being of our employees, customers, partners and the communities that we serve. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Us.  Thank you for your support and understanding during this trying time. We will get through this together.


Trip Harrison
President and CEO
Curtis Engine & Equipment Co., Inc.


CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Coronavirus Guidelines for America (PDF): https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/03.16.20_coronavirus-guidance_8.5x11_315PM.pdf

Maryland: https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/

Delaware: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/epi/2019novelcoronavirus.html

District of Columbia: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/

Virginia:  http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/surveillance-and-investigation/novel-coronavirus/

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