Our three-part series of Rolls-Royce white papers concludes with a look at microgrid and distributed generation projects utilizing intelligent control systems.
Energy professionals can expect to learn about a variety of topics when downloading the third and final part in the series, Microgrids 301: Tying Multiple Power Systems Together with Intelligent Controls. These include why intelligent automation systems are essential for microgrids; common consideration factors including monitoring, power resource control capability; and system impact on reliability and sustainability. In addition, this white paper examines how digital solutions benefit microgrid projects by modeling real-world applications and determining optimal configuration of energy production assets.
Microgrids 301 is joined in the series by Microgrids 101: An Introduction to Microgrids and Microgrids 201: How to Integrate Renewables and Storage.
To download the full text for Microgrids 301, click on this link: https://power.mtu-solutions.com/curtis-mtu-microgrids-301
Pictured above, mtu microgrid controller
(Image courtesy of Rolls-Royce Power Systems)